Options Trading

Options Trading


Call option explained

Put option explained

Call-Put Parity Explained (For Beginners!)

Introduction to the Black-Scholes formula


Black-Scholes Formula

Basic Shorting

Basic Shorting verses Put

Call as a leverage

Arbitrage Basics

Forward and Futures Contracts

Forward contract introduction

Futures introduction

Motivation for the futures exchange

Futures margin mechanics

Verifying hedge with futures margin mechanics

Futures and forward curves

Contango from trader perspective

Severe contango generally bearish

Backwardation bullish or bearish

Futures curves II



Contango and backwardation review

Upper bound on the forward settlement price

Lower bound on forward settlement price

Arbitraging futures contract

Arbitraging futures contracts II

Futures fair value in the pre-market

Interpreting futures fair value in the premarket

Predicting stock price mathematically

Risk-free returns

Profit from Selling Naked Put

Low risk and high reward

Selling Covered Call

Calculators in Excel

Call option calculator

Put option calculator

Option Strategies

Bull Spread

Bear Spread

Long and Short Straddle


Risk Reversal



Iron Butterfly

Iron condor

Jade Lizard

Credit Default Swaps

Credit default swaps (CDS) intro

Credit default swaps

Credit default swaps 2

Use cases for credit default swaps

Financial weapons of mass destruction